The B-2 Stealth bomber is manufactured
The Air Force
describes it as a low-observable, strategic, long-range heavy bomber
capable of penetrating sophisticated and dense air-defense shields.
Retired Air
Force Colonel Donald Ware passed on to me information from a
three-star general he knows, who revealed to him in July that the B-2
[Stealth bombers] have electro-gravitic systems on board; and
that this explains why our 21 Northrop B-2s cost about a billion
dollars each. (3)
The Aurora SR-33A is a moderate-sized spacefaring
The late
National Security Council scientist Dr. Michael Wolf
(4) of NSC’s unacknowledged
Special Studies Group subcommittee, (formerly called MJ-12), has stated that the
Aurora can operate on both conventional fuel and antigravity
field propulsion systems.
He further
stated that the Aurora can travel to the Moon.
Wolf had also
disclosed to me that the U.S. has a small station on the Moon,
and a tiny observation post on Mars (5).
Thus I doubt
that Dr. Wolf would characterize the Aurora thus, unless it was a vessel
already used in making such trips. He disclosed additionally that the
Aurora operates out of Area 51, (Groom Dry Lake
Air Force Station), at the northeast corner of the Nellis AFB Range,
north of Las Vegas, Nevada.
The Lockheed-Martin X-33A military spaceplane
Is a
prototype of Lockheed’s other spaceplane, the single-stage-to-orbit
reuseable aerospace vehicle, the National SpacePlane .
Lockheed-Martin does not say too much about its winged,
delta-shape X-33 VentureStar, except to say that we are building it. To
be at that stage of development for its public-program SpacePlane,
clearly Lockheed-Martin has already long since built prototypes, as well
as an unacknowledged military version, which I have dubbed the X-33A.
The ’A’ suffix stands for antigravity.
Donald Ware, USAF (ret.) told me that he had recently learned
from a three-star General that the VentureStar X-33 has an
electrogravitics (antigravity) system on board (6). This virtually assures that the
unacknowledged military antigravity version, the X-33 A, must surely
also have electrogravitics on board. It is possible that what I have
called the X-33A is the Aurora craft which Dr. Wolf described.
The Lockheed X-22A is a two-man antigravity disc
The late
Colonel Steve Wilson, USAF (ret.), stated that military
astronauts trained at a secret aerospace academy separate from the
regular Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, CO.
military astronauts then operate out of Beale and Vandenberg Air Force
Bases, Northern California From those bases, these military astronauts
regularly fly trans-atmospherically and out into space (7). One of the aerospace craft they use,
Colonel Wilson reported, is the X-22A.
informant, ’Z’, aka ’Jesse’, who formerly worked at the NSA, told
me that the Lockheed X-22A antigravity fighter disc fleet is equipped
with Neutral Particle Beam directed-energy weapons, that it is capable
of effecting optical as well as radar invisibility, and that it is
deployable for worldwide military operations from the new U.S. Space
Warfare Headquarters, located in hardened underground facilities beneath
13,528’ King’s Peak in the Wasatch Mountains’ High Uintas Primitive
(Wilderness) Area, 80 miles east of Salt Lake City (8).
I also heard from an Army engineer, formerly TDY’ed to NASA, who shall
remain unnamed at his request. He also confirmed that Lockheed had made
the X-22A, the two-man antigravity fighter disc which I had seen
test-flown in a canyon adjacent to the main Area 51 operations zone.
He explained
why I had seen the X-22A so nervously flown during that test flight. He
said that the original X-22A had had a standard altimeter hard-wired
into it, but that such an instrument would give faulty readings in the
craft’s antigravity field, which bends space-time. He had recommended
that they instead use a gradiometer, which would function
his suggestion was finally taken up, since in more recent years I have
seen the X-22As flying more smoothly and confidently at high altitudes
over and near Area 51.
informant who wishes his identity kept private related operational
details about military deployment of antigravity disc craft which sound
like the X-22A. He reports:
operation Desert Storm a close relative of mine was in charge
of a Marine Division right on the front. In the first days film
footage and especially video-cams which a large number of G.I.s had
were impounded, so they wouldn’t capture any sensitive material.
Iraq was
pumped up and Gung-Ho, since they had well over 50,000 troops ready to
charge us, [and] since we only had about 3500 they knew of, and they
knew [that], because of the close proximity of troops we couldn’t nuke
them, so, they were assuming piece of cake. Wrong.
pictures my relative confiscated from one of his officers showed:
a large disc-shaped craft slightly in front of our men with a
high intensity beam of light emitting out of it; then,
where men, equipment, etc. was [had stood], there only remained dark
charcoal-like spots on the desert floor. We have had this
technology for quite a while.’
The described
disc was clearly an antigravity, levitating,
aerial-weapons platform in the U.S. arsenal. Quite possibly it was the
Lockheed X-22A two-man discoid craft, the real DarkStar, of which the
unmanned drone X-22 DarkStar is but an aircraft ’cover’ program to
disguise the existence of this manned antigravity fighter disc, the
as ’Z’ noted, the real manned discs come equipped with the latest
Neutral Particle Beam weapons, which take apart the target at the
molecular level. Star Visitor craft do not incinerate humans. Only human
military fighters are so deployed. So the above report does not deal
with any extraterrestrial event.
5) The Nautilus is another
space-faring craft
A secret
military spacecraft which operates by magnetic pulsing
It operates
out of the unacknowledged new headquarters of the U.S. Space Command,
deep under a mountain in Utah. It makes twice-a-week trips up to the
secret military-intelligence space station, which has been in deep space
for the past thirty years, and manned by U.S. and USSR (now CIS)
military astronauts. The Nautilus also is used for superfast
surveillance operations, utilizing its ability to penetrate target
country airspace from above from deep space, a direction not usually
It is
manufactured jointly by Boeing’s Phantom Works near Seattle and
EU’s Airbus Industries Anglo-French consortium. During travel to
Washington State several years ago, I had a conversation with a former
Boeing executive who worked in their Phantom Works, Boeing’s black projects division,
(roughly the equivalent of Lockheed’s Skunk Works).
The executive
confirmed what I had earlier learned from an intelligence insider: that
Boeing had teamed up with Europe’s Airbus Industrie to
manufacture the Nautilus.
The TR3-A ’Pumpkinseed’ is a super-fast air
’Pumpkinseed’ nickname is a reference to its thin oval airframe,
whose contours resemble that seed.
It may be the
craft identified as using pulse detonation technology for propulsion in
a sub-hypersonic regime, and also uses antigravity technology for either
mass-reduction or complementary field propulsion at higher speed levels.
As air
breathers, these Pulse Detonation Wave Engines (PDWEs) could
theoretically propel a hypersonic aircraft towards Mach 10 at an
altitude in excess of 180,000 feet. Used to power an trans-atmospheric
vehicle, the same PDWEs might be capable of lifting the craft to the
edge of space when switched to rocket mode.
the TR3-B ’Astra"
Is a large
triangular anti-gravity craft within the U.S. fleet. Black projects
defense industry insider Edgar Rothschild Fouche
wrote about the existence of the TR3-B in his book, Alien Rapture (10).
My ex-NSA
informant, ’Z’, also confirmed that the TR3-B is
operational. ’Z’ had this to say about the TR3-B triangular antigravity
This is the code name for what everyone on Earth has seen. It is a very
large triangular-shaped re-entry vehicle with anti-gravity. It is what
the November [2000] issue of Popular Mechanics identified as the
Lenticular Reentry Vehicle, a nuclear-powered flying saucer, the
first version of which went operational in 1962, [the version which
Popular Mechanics illustrated.]
It was
used in Gulf War’s early hours with electromagnetic-pulse/laser cannons.
It literally sat mid-air, firing long-, medium-, short-range to take out
antennas, towers, communications, air traffic control towers, TV dishes
and centers, etc. For three hours, these three triangles [TR3-Bs] just
sat there blowing up everything in sight.
Then the
Stealth fighters had fun for the rest of the day into the early
evening next night. Then [followed] carpet bombings from high altitude
B-52 Strato-Fortresses. They dumped all the old, aged Vietnam-era crap
[munitions]; a third blew up and the rest [were] duds. Anyways, the TR3B
has been in testing since the ’60s. But it has only been perfected for
the last 8 years [since 1992].
It is a good
remake of what Truman first saw, [the Roswell semi-circular
craft]. It is compartmentalized, built by the Skunk Works
(Lockheed-Martin’s classified plant at Palmdale, CA) and Boeing [Phantom
Works, Seattle]. It is housed in Utah.
was reminding of his earlier revelation that the U.S. Space Command has
located its prime headquarters and antigravity space-launch fleet
facility beneath King Mountain, the tallest mountain in the Wasatch
Range east of Salt Lake City, Utah.
8) Northrop Aircraft Corporation
has manufactured its Northrop antigravity disc (designation
...which I
have dubbed the ’Great Pumpkin’ , from its brilliant ruddy
golden-orangish glow. I first saw these craft operationally test-flown
in 1992 above the Groom Range ridge line at Area 51, Nevada.
Later I saw
the same intensely burning-bright orange-gold craft that I had seen
above Area 51 being test-flown
sixty miles north of Los Angeles, in the Tehachapi Mountains east of
Edwards Air Force Base.
There the
Northrop has its secret saucer manufacturing works buried deep within
the mountains. I saw the same intensely burning-bright orange-gold craft
test-flown above Northrop’s mountaintop test bed there as I had seen
above Areas 51/S-4 (11).
energized these discs emit their characteristic intense glow. It is
reasonable to assume that this is due to strong ionization, and that
electrogravitics is the methodology of their field propulsion.
The XH-75D or XH Shark antigravity helicopter
manufactured by Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical Corporation of San
Diego. USAF Colonel Steve Wilson reported that many of these
XH-75Ds were assigned to the Delta/National Reconnaissance
Organization Division which retrieves downed UFOs.
That Division
is also implicated in mutilating cattle as a psychological warfare
program on the American public, to try to get citizens to fear and hate
extraterrestrials through assuming that aliens are the ones cutting up
the cattle.
Wilson also leaked a drawing of the XH-75D Shark.
10) The
TAW-50 is a hypersonic, antigravity space
A defense
contractor with whom I have been in communication leaked to me details
of this U.S. Advanced TAW-50 warcraft. Developed during the early
1990s, the capabilities of this war-bird are jaw-dropping. And the
technology shows that the Defense Department did not fail to utilize
what it learned combing through the wreckage of various UFO crashes.
TAW-50 was jointly developed by the Lockheed-Martin Skunk
Works (Palmdale-Helendale, CA) and Northrop (undoubtedly at
their undeclared Anthill facility within the Tehachapi Mountains,
northwest of Lancaster, CA.) Both companies have a history of
development of secret anti-gravity craft at these Mojave Desert
TAW-50 has speed capabilities well in excess of Mach 50, a
number the contractor calls ’a very conservative estimate’. Its actual
speed is classified. Since Mach-1 is 1,225 kilometers per hour,
(approximately 748 mph), this means that the TAW-50 is capable of moving
considerably faster than 38,000 mph. In comparison, the velocity
required to escape Earth’s gravity is 25,000 mph. Therefore the TAW-50
is capable of going into space, and does.
TAW-50 has a SCRAM (supersonic ramjet) propulsion system for
passing through the outer atmosphere. The TAW-50 utilizes
electrogravitics to maintain its own artificial gravity while in
weightless space, as well as to nullify the vehicle’s mass during
operations. The TAW-50’s power supply is provided by a small nuclear
power generator that the contractor said is Normal-Inert.
contractor said that the space plane uses electromagnetoferrometric
power generation by the immersion of pellets in heavy water (deuterium)
and specially-designed coil superconductive magnets, which yield
enormous amounts of free electrons when placed in an immersion which has
been triggered into an oscillating field-state flux.
TAW-50 has a crew of four. Nevertheless, the TAW-50 flies so fast that
it requires computers to fly it. These were developed by American Computer Company, who derived them
from its Valkyrie XB/9000 AI [artificial intelligence] Guidance
series. They utilize a RISC Milspec Superchip. There are 180 of them in
the flight control system, and 64 more in the weapons guidance system,
the contractor reported.
It can
carry a combined payload of glide bombs and a package of MIRV
(Multiple Independently-targeted Reentry Vehicles, mil-speak for a group
of intercontinental ballistic missiles), each of which can seek out and
strike a different target. The MIRV pack also contains
reentry-capable balloon countermeasures to make it very difficult for
laser and other defensive weapons to track down where the real MIRVs are
and intercept them.
TAW-50 is armed with its own Kill Laser system, which can
track and immolate SAM (Surface-to-Air missiles), STTA
(Surface-To-Trans-Atmosphere missiles), ATA (Air-To- Air missiles), and
ATTA (Air-To-Trans-Atmospheric missiles). The TAW-50’s killer lasers can
also knock down high-performance fighter interceptors. The TAW’s Kill
Laser is much smaller than the earlier 1980s-era SDI (Star
Wars program) models, and has a miniaturized cooling core and 500
times the wattage. The contractor said it uses a spontaneous nucleonic
burst to trigger the lasing [laser] effect.
addition, the TAW-50 is armed with microsuperexplosive HyperDart
missiles. These are just a little larger than ordinary aircraft
cannon ammunition, but travel at hypersonic speed for up to three
minutes, and have enormous explosive capability. One HyperDart
can blow apart a MiG fighter anywhere within 20 feet of the HyperDart.
The TAW-50 carries several hundred HyperDarts.
the TAW-50 is designed to operate in space, it has on board a two-day
air supply. This air supply can be extended by using its scoop system
and traveling into the upper atmosphere to harvest more oxygen.
contractor did not reveal the size of the space fighter-bomber except to
say, ’It’s a pretty big thing.’
performance of the TAW-50 makes it virtually impossible to defend
It can hide
in orbit many hundreds of miles into space, orbiting at times at
22,000 mph.
without warning, it can dive straight down through the atmosphere at
over 38,000 miles per hour on an 80-degree attack vector, reverse
direction within 150 feet of the ground with very little loss of
motion and without a glide turn, and almost instantly go vertically
straight up at over 38,000 mph until long after it leaves the
atmosphere and resumes orbiting in space.
contractor noted, ’Those [electro-] gravitics allow it to
change its mass to almost nothing in a moment, and reverse
direction in a second, increase its acceleration to so many times G
[Earth’s gravity] it’s not funny, yet they are able to nearly nullify
the G-force on the pilots.
They [the
electrogravitics] are fourth-generation, with the ability to bring it to
a complete standstill in under 2 milliseconds, if need be, without
crushing the pilots, and keep it there for quite some time.’ The
contractor notes, ’It’s far too fast for tracking radars.’ ’And,’ he
adds, ’what military aims its radars straight up?’
TAW-50 can be refueled and rearmed in orbit by docking with the
secret undeclared Military Space Station that is in orbit (12) The entire refueling and rearming
procedure takes under 10 minutes. Who mans the gas pumps? Military
astronauts trained at the Secret Air Force Academy, located in the hills
immediately west of the official Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs,
CO. These military astronauts rotate duty by traveling to and from
Vandenberg Air Force Base on other military antigravity vehicles
The Cape
Canaveral Space Shuttles have carried the arming platforms (’classified
Defense Department payloads’) up to the secret Military Space
Station. The contractor reported that with a few extra tanks of LOX
(liquid oxygen), the TAW-50 could fly to the Moon and back.
As of
2002, the U.S. has 20 TAW-50s in its arsenal. But, as the contractor
commented, ’You could take out an entire nation in under 10 days with
only 10 of these, doing three attacks a day.
One can wipe
out an entire city the size of suburban Cleveland in a single attack
without having to use any nukes at all.’
electrogravitics for the TAW-50 was produced by GE Radionics.
& Whitney designed the SCRAM atmospheric penetrator technology.
American Computer Company created the artificial-intelligence
contractor said he could not tell me anything else. And it was clear he
did not want his name used. So, this is what is known.
11) The Northrop Quantum
Teleportation Disc?
Are the above
the current state-of-the-art in advanced aerospace craft? No. There have
been advances beyond “mere” antigravity field propulsion. Quantum
particulate physics is now being used to update a variety of aerospace
craft and their weapons systems.
On a
recent (09/16/05) field trip to the boundary of Area 51, during a
middle-of-the-night observation, I saw first one, then another, and
finally six brightly-lit objects suddenly appear at approximately 1000’
(305 meters) height above the desert floor. The intensely-glowing,
ruddy, golden-orangish ionization field surrounding these craft appeared
identical to the field around the Northrop antigravity disc. But in the
13 years since I had last observed the Northrop discs above Area 51, and
at their Tehachapi Mountains manufacturing site, considerable progress
has been made.
In 1992,
the Northrop disc slowly rose vertically from its flight pad and
gradually reached flight altitude. But in 2005 these craft are able to
depart from their flight pad and suddenly appear at flight altitude
without any visible ascent. And it is not a matter of their ionization
field having been turned off during ascent for stealth purposes.
ionization field comes with electrogravitic field propulsion. If the
ionization were turned off, the craft would have fallen from the sky.
Rather what appears to be going on is that the Northrop engineers have
incorporated quantum physics principles into the propulsion. Simply
stated, Northrop appears to have harnessed quantum entanglement to
achieve quantum teleportation. To the observer the craft simply ceases
to exist on the flight pad and instantly begins to exist at, (in this
case), 1000 feet altitude.
If the
interpretation of this observation is correct, then there exists an
11th entry in the U.S. antigravity arsenal, the Northrop
Quantum Teleportation Disc.
If the black-budget scientists
keep advancing along these lines, we could foresee the day when a fleet
of Air Force craft suddenly “cease to exist” on the air base runway and
instantly appear at 35,000 feet altitude over a target city halfway
around the globe.